quantum symmetries in string theory

what's happening

  • Integrability, Dualities and Deformations,
         NORDITA, Stockholm, September 2025.

  • Exact approaches to low-supersymmetry AdS/CFT,
         SCGP, Stony Brook, October 2024.

  • Integrability, Dualities and Deformations,
         Swansea University, July 2024.

  • Gauging the diamond: integrable coset models from twistor space,
         LT Cole, RA Cullinan, B Hoare, J Liniado, DC Thompson,
         submitted for publication, [arXiv:2407.09479].

  • Workshop on Integrable Sigma-Models,
         ETH Zurich, May 2024.

  • Inequivalent light-cone gauge-fixings of strings on AdSn × Sn backgrounds,
         R Borsato, S Driezen, B Hoare, AL Retore, FK Seibold,
         Phys. Rev. D109 (2024) 106023, [arXiv:2312.17056].

  • Elliptic deformations of the AdS3 × S3 × T4 string,
         B Hoare, AL Retore, FK Seibold,
         JHEP 2404 (2024) 042, [arXiv:2312.14031].

  • Exact approaches on the string worldsheet,
         S Demulder, S Driezen, B Knighton, G Oling, AL Retore, FK Seibold, A Sfondrini, Z Yan,
         submitted for publication, [arXiv:2312.12930].

  • INI Network Support for the Mathematical Sciences grant awarded,
         intdualdef, January 2023 - September 2026.

  • Integrable deformations from twistor space,
         LT Cole, RA Cullinan, B Hoare, J Liniado, DC Thompson,
         SciPost Phys. 17 (2024) 008, [arXiv:2311.17551].

  • Towards a quadratic Poisson algebra for the subtracted classical monodromy of Symmetric Space Sine-Gordon theories,
         F Delduc, B Hoare, M Magro,
         J. Phys. A57 (2024) 06540, [arXiv:2309.15722].

  • fpuk Meeting,
         Durham University, August 2023.

  • Integrability, Dualities and Deformations,
         Durham University, July 2023.

  • The D3(2) spin chain and its finite-size spectrum,
         H Frahm, S Gehrmann RI Nepomechie, AL Retore
         JHEP 2311 (2023) 095, [arXiv:2307.11511].

  • Young Researchers Integrability School and Workshop,
         Durham University, July 2023.

  • Claire de Korte has joined the group in June 2023 for an undergraduate research project supervised by Ana Retore!

  • Supersphere non-linear sigma model on the lattice,
         The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, University of Bonn, August 2022.
         I Costa, V Forini, B Hoare, T Meier, A Patella, JH Weber
         PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 367, [arXiv:2212.11586].

  • Bi-η and bi-λ deformations of ℤ4 permutation supercosets,
         B Hoare, N Levine, FK Seibold
         JHEP 2304 (2023) 024, [arXiv:2212.08625].

  • Integrable deformations of Z2 and Z4 permutation cosets,
         Fields, Strings, and Geometry Seminar, University of Surrey, November 2022.
         Slides can be found ↪ here.

  • Flag integrable models and generalized graded algebras,
         M de Leeuw, RI Nepomechie, AL Retore
         JHEP 2306 (2023) 113, [arXiv:2210.06495].

  • Rashad Hamidi has joined the group as a new PhD student in October 2022!

  • Integrability in String Theory,
         Durham Maths Research Day, Durham University, September 2022.
         Slides can be found ↪ here.

  • Integrable deformations and quantum corrections,
         Integrability in String, Field, and Condensed Matter Theory, KITP, Santa Barbara, September 2022.
         A recording can be found ↪ here.

  • Ana Retore has joined the group as a new Postdoctoral Research Associate in September 2022!

  • Talking Integrability: Spins, Fields, and Strings,
         Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, August 2022.

  • Integrability, Dualities and Deformations,
         Humboldt University Berlin, August 2022.

  • Integrable supersymmetric deformations of AdS3 × S3 × T4,
         B Hoare, FK Seibold, AA Tseytlin
         JHEP 2209 (2022) 018, [arXiv:2106.12347].

  • Geometry: How maths helps us do physics,
         Durham University International Study Centre, June 2022.
         Slides and worksheet can be found ↪ here.

  • Integrable deformations of Z2 and Z4 permutation cosets,
         QFT, Strings and Beyond Seminar, ETH Zurich, May 2022.
         Slides can be found ↪ here.

  • Two 1 hour discussions with Key Stage 2 students on science and experiments,
         Southbank International School, Online, April - May 2022.

  • The relation between Yang-Baxter deformations and perturbations of gauged WZW models,
         Mathematical Physics Seminar, University of York, February 2022.
         Slides can be found ↪ here.

  • The relation between Yang-Baxter deformations and perturbations of gauged WZW models,
         North British Mathematical Physics Seminar, Durham University, November 2021.
         Slides can be found ↪ here.

  • Ryan Cullinan has joined the group as a new PhD student in October 2021!

  • Integrable deformations of sigma models,
         B Hoare,
         J. Phys. A55 (2022) 093001, [arXiv:2109.14284].

  • Yang-Baxter deformations of the Principal Chiral Model plus Wess-Zumino term,
         Workshop on New Developments in Quantum Gravity and String Theory, Corfu Summer Institute, Online, September 2021.
         Slides can be found ↪ here.

  • Integrability, Dualities and Deformations,
         University of Santiago de Compostela, August 2021.

  • Integrable Deformations of Sigma Models,
         Integrability, Dualities and Deformations School, Hospedería San Martín Pinario, Santiago de Compostela, August 2021.
         Recordings can be found ↪ here.
         Notes can be found ↪ here.

  • Yang-Baxter deformations of the Principal Chiral Model plus Wess-Zumino term,
         Quantum Field and String Theory Seminar, Humboldt University Berlin, February 2021.
         Slides can be found ↪ here.

  • Integrability in String Theory,
         CPT Colloquium, Durham University, Online, February 2021.
         Slides can be found ↪ here.

  • Sigma models with local couplings: a new connection between integrability and RG flow,
         Nuclear and Particle Physics Seminar, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Online, November 2020.
         Slides can be found ↪ here.

  • Dual description of η-deformed OSp sigma models,
         M Alfimov, B Feigin, B Hoare, A Litvinov,
         JHEP 2012 (2020) 040, [arXiv:2010.11927].

  • Integrability, Dualities and Deformations Seminar Series,
         Online, Autumn 2020 & Spring 2021.